
Image of Academy Mat

Academy Mat

The TrueStrike golf mat is designed to last and react like turf when hit, this allows golfers a realistic practice experience so can play like fairway pros out on the grass. TrueStrike's “ruckable” top surface and a gel-filled divot simulating subsurface, accurately recreates the effects of playing off a natural fairway by allowing the club head to play through the playing surface as it would on turf. Includes:1 x Gel Section (Gel Bag, Strike Surface and Strike Surround)4 x Range Mat Section2 x Edge Trim25 x TrueTee Short25 x TrueTee Long1 x Tee Holder
Best price: Academy Mat
Category merchant: Accessories Training Aids

Price: 798.00 £  
from GamolaGolf

Brand : TrueStrike

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Academy Mat 798.00 Visit Store

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