
Image of Autopsy of Mickey, Lightbox artwork by Magnus Gjoen, free delivery

Autopsy of Mickey, Lightbox artwork by Magnus Gjoen, free delivery

The work of Magnus Gjoen treads a fascinating line between horror and humour. By offering a modern take on old masterpieces and transforming items typically associated with violence into delicate works of art, Gjoen challenges our preconceived notions of beauty. In this piece, Gjoen playfully presents us with an autopsy report for the most beloved cartoon character of all time, Mickey Mouse. This framed lightbox with dimmer switch is from a limited edition of 50, signed and numbered by the artist.  Framed size (cm): 66 x 66
Best price: Autopsy of Mickey, Lightbox artwork by Magnus Gjoen, free delivery
Category merchant: Art

Price: 4500.00 £  
from EnterGallery

Brand : Magnus Gjoen

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EnterGallery Autopsy of Mickey, Lightbox artwork by Magnus Gjoen, free delivery 4500.00 Visit Store

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