
Image of BDE artwork by Marcelina Amelia, free delivery

BDE artwork by Marcelina Amelia, free delivery

Marcelina Amelia is an exciting contemporary artist known for her feminist works that focus on themes of self-acceptance, body positivity, and representations of female sexuality. Amelia created this piece when she noticed a distinct absence of powerful horse portraits with female riders. She comments: "BDE is my own personal symbol, fulfilled fantasy of the power and prestige that is above and opposed to any class, race or gender segregations.' The giclee print is from a limited edition of 60, signed and numbered by the artist.Size (cm): 70 x 100
Best price: BDE artwork by Marcelina Amelia, free delivery
Category merchant: Art

Price: 450.00 £  
from EnterGallery

Brand : Marcelina Amelia

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