
Image of Barratts Hard Liquorice Sticks

Barratts Hard Liquorice Sticks

Barratts Hard Liquorice Sticks (used to be known as Bassetti - A real British classic) - a firm favourite with those hardcore liquorice-loving fiends out there. Lovely shiny sticks of rich black liquorice, and one of our best-selling liquorice sweets. Now (getting the anorak out now), did you know that liquorice started being grown seriously in the UK back in the 1500s and was originally grown only in Pontefract, Yorkshire (yes, hence Pontefract Cakes!), due to its rich loamy soil. They take their liquorice so seriously in the town of Pontefract that they have a Liquorice Festival there every year - how cool is that? - Qty In Order: 10 Sticks
Best price: Barratts Hard Liquorice Sticks
Category merchant: Chewy Sweets

Price: 4.75 £  
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A Quarter Of... Barratts Hard Liquorice Sticks 4.75 Visit Store

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