
Image of Beevitalise Board & Bowl Restore

Beevitalise Board & Bowl Restore

Restore your chopping boards and platters with this rich beeswax mix, nourishing the wood naturally. No additives, solvents, silicons or thinners just a lush mix of natural plant based oils and beeswax. Oakdale Bees sources all of their oils in the UK from local passionate small producers. The board or platter will change colour as dried undernourished wood is paler in colour. This mix is richer than the wood remedy with added beeswax for a greater natural barrier to water damage. Alwasy do a patch test first 100ml All natural ingredients Zero waste and plastic free Comes in a biodegradable cardboard tub No harsh chemicals Contains beeswax - not suitable for vegans
Best price: Beevitalise Board & Bowl Restore
Category merchant: New Arrivals Home Outdoors Home Care Cleaning Polish

Price: 9.99 £  
from FriendlyTurtle

Brand : Oakdale Bees

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FriendlyTurtle Beevitalise Board & Bowl Restore 9.99 Visit Store

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