
Image of Blondie Gold, Large artwork by Gavin Mitchell, free delivery

Blondie Gold, Large artwork by Gavin Mitchell, free delivery

Gavin Mitchell is a contemporary artist known for taking found images from Eastern and Western culture and combining them to create new worlds and narratives.  Blondie Gold hails from his 2024 Floating World series, which is inspired by Ukiyo-e or ‘Pictures of the Floating World’ - a genre of Japanese art which has influenced Animé and Manga.  In this layered piece, Mitchell explores the contrasts between East and West, portraying his model against a backdrop taken from an American comic from the 1940s. This artwork combines photograph onto acrylic with print onto gold leaf board. From a limited edition of 5, it comes signed and numbered by the artist and framed in a box frame. Available in small and medium. Size (cm): 110 x 110 x 7
Best price: Blondie Gold, Large artwork by Gavin Mitchell, free delivery
Category merchant: Art

Price: 6500.00 £  
from EnterGallery

Brand : Gavin Mitchell

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EnterGallery Blondie Gold, Large artwork by Gavin Mitchell, free delivery 6500.00 Visit Store

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