
Image of Fish Society Fish stock

Fish Society Fish stock

Top quality home made fish stock 100% natural ingredients - no "extracts" Superb base for a sauce We make this stock ourselves, always from the bones of let us say, superior fish. We sweat the characteristic vegetables (all chopped by hand freshly every time - we don't use "extracts") in olive oil. These are combined with the bone broth, a little wine, a few herbs and nothing else. After a gentle simmer, we strain it oh so carefully. Use this superb product as a cooking medium to elevate any fish onto a higher plane, or add vermouth, wine and/or cream to create a great sauce. 
Best price: Fish Society Fish stock
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Price: 6.40 £  
from The Fish Society

Brand : Stocks seasonings

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The Fish Society Fish Society Fish stock 6.40 Visit Store

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