
Image of Friendship Rings

Friendship Rings

Ring Sweets (aka Friendship Rings) - Dinky little friendship rings made of fruity jelly... a great way of letting your best pal/girlfriend/boyfriend/poodle/penpal know that you think they`re the bees knees... one size fits all! A little hint: with a bit of luck, they`ll be so chuffed with your generous gesture, they`ll share anyway! We wouldn`t advise trying to get away with a friendship ring as an engagement ring though... unless you`re feeling especially brave! - Qty In Order: 200 grams (7.07 oz)
Best price: Friendship Rings
Category merchant: Chewy Sweets

Price: 2.97 £  
from A Quarter Of...

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A Quarter Of... Friendship Rings 2.97 Visit Store

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