
Image of Hearthside


About This Fragrance lderberry Bourbon A richly complex fragrance, a blend of red berries and aged wood scents, combined with bourbon and clove aromas. Humidor A rich blend of notes: tobacco leaves, soft suede, and peach blossoms. Frasier Fir Aromatic notes are expertly combined a crisp winter morning. About Ellipse Jar Candles Recreate the warming comfort of a glowing fireplace with this WoodWick with HearthWick Flame candle. Rich fragrance combined with a dancing flame and soft crackle in a teardrop shaped Ellipse Candle, what's not to love? Each HearthWick Flame Candle is 19cm x 12cm x 9.2cm. Burn Time Up To 80 Hours.
Best price: Hearthside
Category merchant: Home Accessories

Best Price: 27.99 £  
from CandlesDirect, Candles Direct 27.9927.992

Brand : WoodWick

Stockist Catalogue Product Name Price  
Hearthside 27.99 Visit Store
Candles Direct Hearthside 27.99 Visit Store

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