
Image of Magnitone DermaBlades DermaQueen Replacement Blades (5 Pack)

Magnitone DermaBlades DermaQueen Replacement Blades (5 Pack)

Transform your skin to look brighter and smoother by painlessly removing ‘peach fuzz’ and dry, dead skin cells with DermaQueen. For best results, use a new professional-grade stainless steel DermaBlade for every treatment. FOR USE WITH DermaQueen Vibra-Sonic Facial Hair Removal + Dermaplane Razor ONLY
Best price: Magnitone DermaBlades DermaQueen Replacement Blades (5 Pack)
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Price: 48.00 £  
from Magnitone

Brand : Magnitone

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Magnitone Magnitone DermaBlades DermaQueen Replacement Blades (5 Pack) 48.00 Visit Store

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