
Image of Manuka Creme - Healthy Skin 50ml

Manuka Creme - Healthy Skin 50ml

Say goodbye to pesky skin conditions with Manuka Creme - a natural, drug-free formula that soothes and heals. Reclaim healthy skin with this 50ml tube, perfect for targeting psoriasis, eczema, redness, and other irritations. Say yes to nourished, comfortable skin and no to pesky patches and itchiness.. Manuka Creme is formulated with powerful manuka oil, known for its exceptional antibacterial properties. Keep your skin healthy and nourished with this cream, perfect for those looking for a natural skincare solution. Experience the benefits of manuka oil for yourself.. Unlike many other creams, Manuka Creme does not contain cortisone, antibiotics or any other nasty chemicals.
Best price: Manuka Creme - Healthy Skin 50ml
Category merchant: Medical

Price: 9.95 £  
from Lyfespan

Brand : Tower Health

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