
Image of Marie Curie the Musical

Marie Curie the Musical

Marie Curie is certain that she can make a name for herself and change the course of science in the progress as she arrives from her native Poland to study at Sorbonne University in Paris. When she discovers Radium, a new chemical element, she’s lauded with the Nobel Prize but is faced with an overwhelming moral dilemma. Whilst Marie is discovering the lifesaving potential of Radium to cure cancer, factory workers handing Radium are succumbing to the insidious grip of radium poisoning, In a breathtaking display of courage and resilience, she shatters the glass ceilings of her time, defying the odds as a fearless female immigrant. A story of life and death, ‘Marie Curie’ has already captivated audiences in Korea with its sweeping score and story and is now brought to English-speaking audiences for the first time..
Best price: Marie Curie the Musical
Category merchant: London Musicals

Price: 21.60 £  
from Theatre Tickets Direct

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