
Image of Premium Battered Scampi

Premium Battered Scampi

The small bag has around 12 pieces and the big bag has around 45 pieces Oven bake for between 14-16 minutes from frozen A small bag would serve two main meals Our battered scampi is a superb product made in Northern Ireland by a real craftsman with a very light batter and whole scampi tails. Contains 60% scampi meat which is way ahead of other versions that are mostly batter! The scampi are individually frozen so you can easily take out a portion at a time if you buy the larger kilo bag. They are perfect for an easy, no fuss meal when you just really want something yummy but with absolutely no effort. We do also stock breaded scampi. If you wanted to give them a try, click here . How you've been using our battered scampi... "Delicious large scampi with crispy batter. Easy to cook from the freezer. Just the job for a quick meal." "Lovely scampi. We served ours with salad and a few...
Best price: Premium Battered Scampi
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Price: 17.80 £  
from The Fish Society

Brand : Scampi

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The Fish Society Premium Battered Scampi 17.80 Visit Store

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