
Image of Smoked Manx Kippers

Smoked Manx Kippers

Our Max Kippers are traditionally smoked herring prepared in the Isle of Man The best simple advice, grill and serve with fresh bread Serve one fish per person Manx kippers have a long heritage - the smokehouse that supplies ours was founded in the late 1800s. Free from additives and dye. They're are 2 fish in a pack. New to kippers? These excellent and very consistent little Manx Kippers from the Isle of Man have fans all over the world and are now one of our top-selling products. Why don't you also try our equally famous Craster kippers to compare them in a blind taste test How you've been using our manx kippers... "Quality excellent, real smoked flavour...Heat them up on the BBQ, keeps the smell outside and not in the oven/grill/house." "Fabulous flavour, popped them under the grill for 5 mins and served with scrambled egg." "Manx kippers are the best ones going, excellent,...
Best price: Smoked Manx Kippers
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Price: 6.00 £  
from The Fish Society

Brand : Herring

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The Fish Society Smoked Manx Kippers 6.00 Visit Store

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